Starting on June 11, 2024, important changes to Pennsylvania’s Guardianship Act have been enacted. Act 61 of 2023 was passed to provide greater protections to individuals who are the subject of a guardianship, generally referred to as “alleged incapacitated persons.”...
Comprehensive Elder Law Services Addressing a Full Range of Legal Issues
Choosing the right guardian for you
As part of your estate plan, you have the option of choosing someone to serve as your legal guardian if you ever become incapacitated and unable to make decisions about your health, finances and other important matters. Planning for guardianship ahead of time can be a...
When is a person considered to be incapacitated?
If a person lacks the capacity to take care of themselves and has not planned ahead by the preparation of Powers of Attorney, he or she may need to have a guardian appointed by the court. Guardianship restricts a person's rights. Because of this, the court is very...
What does it mean to be a guardian of the person or estate?
When a family member or another loved one is unable to care for himself or herself due to dementia or some other type of disability, he or she may need to have a guardian appointed by the court. It is the guardian’s responsibility to look out for the incapacitated...
Is a caregiver the same as a legal guardian?
As your parents get older, they probably need help with tasks they used to handle with no problem. If you have come to assist your loved ones with important duties, you probably think of yourself as a caregiver. You may wonder if Pennsylvania law considers caregivers...
How does guardianship for adults work in Pennsylvania ?
Guardianships for children are rather straightforward because legally they are unable to make their own decisions due to their age. But a situation gets complicated when the person for whom a proposed guardianship is sought is an adult. Every adult in the United...
What are your duties as the guardian for your elderly parent?
Age, illness or a combination of the two sometimes cause people physical or mental incapacity. If your elderly parent reaches such a point, you may consider stepping in to take control of his or her affairs. Although some things you will have the ability to handle...
3 Things to know about guardianships for parents with dementia
Everyone gets older, but when you start to notice your mom and dad aging, it can feel more personal. One mental health concern that many older adults face is memory loss in the form of dementia. Hopefully, your parents had been willing to plan ahead through the...
How can you choose a guardian for your child, especially one with special needs?
Like most parents, you believe your children deserve the world. To give children everything they need, sometimes you have to plan for a future where you may not be there to care for them. If you have a child with special needs, selecting a guardian may be even more...
When your parent has dementia
When your parent has dementia or Alzheimer's disease, you and your family have many things to address regarding the required care and safety. You may need to consider guardianship to safeguard your loved one from physical and financial harm. What is legal...