Establishing A Power Of Attorney In Pittsburgh
Power of attorney is a legal document describing the decision-making authority granted to a person other than yourself. In Pennsylvania, a person with power of attorney can make both medical and financial decisions or only one type.
Since 1952, Sikov and Love, P.A. has built a reputation for care and compassion to people facing elder law matters and more. We’re in the business of helping you make smart decisions about your future, and people across Pittsburgh have put their trust in us. Our estate planning attorneys take a great deal of pride in the reputation for detailed, thorough service that we’ve built.
Do You Need A Power Of Attorney?
There are many instances throughout life in which a power of attorney is a sensible thing to have. For example, if you’re unable to attend the closing on your home, you may need someone to sign the necessary documents.
In theory, you could craft a power of attorney for a person to deal with matters when you don’t have the time or inclination. However, the most often used for powers of attorney is to make sure someone can make essential decisions about your medical care and financial affairs when you cannot, either because you are not available to do so or when you are incapacitated.
A Position Of Immense Trust
The person given power of attorney is often a closely trusted individual such as a family member or close friend. It can be challenging to figure out the right person to choose to take on this duty, but we can provide you with a great deal of guidance on these questions, including ones such as:
What can I authorize my power of attorney to do?
You can authorize your power of attorney to make medical decisions on your behalf, manage your financial affairs such as paying bills, handling bank accounts, and filing taxes, sign legal documents for real estate transactions, oversee investments and manage property, and make business decisions and manage assets.
When does a PoA come into effect and how long does it last?
A Power of Attorney can come into effect immediately upon signing or only when you become incapacitated, depending on how it is drafted. We can help you craft a personalized PoA plan that meets your unique needs in your estate plan.
What’s the difference between regular and durable power of attorney?
A regular power of attorney ends if you become incapacitated. A durable Power of Attorney in Pennsylvania can remain valid during your incapacitation, which can allow your PoA to continue its authority to manage your affairs with little to no interruption.
Does a medical power of attorney cover mental health care decision making?
No. A mental health power of attorney is different than a medical power of attorney. A mental health power of attorney and advance health directive can be a useful tool to help individuals who have an ongoing mental health condition. If you are interested in setting up a mental health power of attorney to help a loved one, talk to an attorney from our office.
On Your Side. Securing Your Future.
As your lawyers, we will work hard to answer your questions and develop the documents you need to make thoughtful, smart decisions. We will be there for you to review any decisions and ensure your vision for your future and care.
Contact us today to find out more about who to create a power of attorney in Pittsburgh and who we are and how we can help you by calling 412-567-1236 or sending an email using this form.