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Pennsylvania’s new online Guardianship Tracking System

On Behalf of | Oct 31, 2019 | Guardianships | 0 comments

Serving as the Guardian of the Person and the Estate for an incapacitated Pennsylvania resident is a serious responsibility. Your loved one depends on your assistance to manage their income, pay his or her estate’s debts and fulfill other important obligations. Proper organization of your ward’s financial affairs helps to ensure that you have satisfied your duties and met his or her needs.

When a mother with guardianship over her brain-damaged son’s affairs faced accusations of stealing money from his account, state officials called for a tracking system to hold a guardian accountable, as reported by The Citizens’ Voice. With the Keystone State’s new online Guardianship Tracking System, a guardian can file annual reports and other documents concerning your ward electronically through the GTS website.

Electronic report filing

Filing an annual report is mandatory so that the court may review your relationship as a guardian and note any changes in the circumstances of your ward. The new online GTS allows Allegheny County officials to better track and monitor the management of a ward’s assets and expenses under the care of his or her guardian. The GTS also monitors whether a guardian is in legal compliance regarding the filing of any necessary reports. This can make it easier for you to receive a notification if a report is late.

Protection from financial abuse

Sometimes, there may be suspicion that a person serving as a trusted guardian may have stolen assets or “borrowed” money from a ward. In these situations, it may be necessary to file criminal charges as well as to file a civil action to recover any financial loss from an unauthorized transaction. Monitoring a loved one for signs of neglect by a guardian or other caretaker helps to detect signs of unlawful activity.


Your responsibilities as a guardian involve making critical decisions for your ward concerning his or her medical treatment, living arrangements and financial affairs. An accurate and thorough annual report filing notes any major physical or mental health issues that may be affecting your ward’s well-being. By providing a reporting of a ward’s living arrangements, activities and social contacts, a guardian plays a vital role in determining whether the arrangement should continue or be altered.

