Some people compose a will but do not provide crucial information to carry the document out. For instance, you might specify in your will that your online accounts should go to your daughter but you have not disclosed the account passwords. If you write a letter of...
Comprehensive Elder Law Services Addressing a Full Range of Legal Issues
Month: April 2021
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Are co-executors a good choice for your estate?
Choosing the right person to be the executor of your estate may help your loved ones receive their inheritance without complications. Still, some people struggle with this decision. They may want more than one person to handle their estate. While it is possible to...
Sooner is better when creating powers of attorney
Have you thought about the consequences for you and your family if you were suddenly incapacitated due to an accident or illness? Powers of attorney act as safeguards in terms of your medical and financial needs. Making sure you have them will put your mind at ease....